Montag, 6. Januar 2014

Why we should all give up making new year resolutions

Hello:) and a very happy new year to you all!

We're 6 days into the new year  2014 now and I hope I'm not too late to stop you from making any new resolutions.
What? You actually think there's some sense and use to them??? ahahaha nice try;)
Yes, my parents taught me the importance of setting goals and I remember writing new year resolutions as a part of Family Home Evening. Oh yes, gorgeous times: I think we postponed that most of the time:D Sometimes it was already February when we finally sat down to make goals for the year. Which wasn't as bad as it sounds, because at this time of the year most people had already forgotten about their new year resolutions. Not that that fact made ours last longer haha.
So where's the point to it?

When I was young (or younger than now ;)) I used to set a loooot of goals like: playing the piano every day for 30 minutes and the violin for 15 minutes, watering the plants every day, do sport regularily,... Mostly it was just wild dreaming. haha sports? ME? Needless to say, I can't remember looking back in December and saying: "Wow Tabea, you kept all your new year resolutions. Every single one. I'm so proud of myself." 
While I was so overly generous with my reslountions, my brother was always writing complete crap:P Like buying a Nintendo DS (yeh I know it's been a while since then), playing at least 30min with his computer games a day and so on. Surprisingly, he always managed to live according to his resolutions in utter perfection;)

What did I do wrong? Did I not try hard enough? Why was my little brother succeeding and why wasn't I? After years and years of thinking, I decided that resolutions never work. You start a new year full of motivation and the desire to change your life -but you procrastinate to later. And later you forget. 

So, in 2012 I decided to set very very simple resolutions, three to be precise: 
1) Study hard --> which wasn't really a goal because I always study hard, right?;)
2) read the book of mormon --> that's the only of my goals I would encourage you to set:D
3) Scripture a day app --> Okay, so this is about as simple as my brothers rules. It just meant to take a look at my smartphone every morning. Guess what: I had to delete that app some months later due to a full phone storage and I didn't live to see that resolution fulfilled.

So, what exactly is my point? :D Don't misunderstand me, there's some deeper meaning to New Year Resolutions. And I did write my own resolutions on January 1st, but keep one thing in mind that I hope you caught while reading this post:

There's thinking. And then there's dreaming. Wild dreaming.

Make sure you really WANT to set those goals and that you want to live them. Make it a goal to read them again on December 31st 2014 and say: You did well, you tried hard, now you can set new goals.
Because I set the same damn goals for 7 years ahaah and it never helped me to move on in my life. 

Give up just writing new year resolutions and start making them meaningful:)


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