Samstag, 28. Dezember 2013

An article on messages

Today I was doing the laundry (helping my mom, as always;)) and I was listening to the rather "old music" on my phone  while chatting with my good friend Joseph:D. Then suddenly "Gangman Style" started. 
Some of you may remember that song hhahaa:D It was quite famous in July 2012. Okay, so "quite" famous was an understatement. It was infamous for a looong time hhaha.

It says a lot about influence and... stupidity that an Asian guy can make an entire generation of teenagers (and lonely moms) yell nonsense with him  (gAnGmAn StYlE doesn't actually mean anything--> not even in Korean). That's just brainless and insane! But still ... even I have his song on my phone haha. And I assume I paid money for it! Why .. no even better: HOW did Psy convince the entire western, industrialized world?

Well, I remember another man that convinced the entire world to believe in his message -and not only for the 12 weeks that he was on the Billboard Charts- nope for generations and generations of people. And that particular person is Christ. Oh, how come it's only December 2013 now and nobody listens to Gangman Style anymore? Because his message is not meaningful! The message that Christ lives has empowered people to fight wars in his name, to find hope where there was only dispair and it has convinced millions of Christians to live better lives. 

That's what I call meaningful and powerful. Christs' message doesn't end when it leaves the charts. It lives on in the hearts of those that believe in his name and people will never tire of it!

That's a great difference I think... 
I have a Mormonad hanging on my wall (next to Taylor Lautner) that puts my message really well in a nutshell:)

Tabea x

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