Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015

OMG 50 Shades of Grey is...

...such a terribly bad and destructive influence on today's teens.

Back in the 90's:

I'm young. Or at least I look young. But back in the 90's, when I was born, a porn book dealing with a woman's adventures in being manhandled and used by an emotionally stunted playboy would not have been a phenomenom.

Let's look back:

I grew up with the Harry Potter series. And I love them. They taught me good stuff. 

Back then, lonely teenage girls were taught to fight, even when their crush left them for their own good (look at Ginny. And she turned out alright.).

Schools were something to look forward to all summer! Okay, maybe nobody, including myself, will agree. Teachers cared about the well-being of their students, except the ones on Voldemorts side anyways:D

And LOVE, damnit that book really taught us what love is all about. Brotherhood, romance, charity, ... Does the list end? It taught us the true meaning of friendship! Of sacrifice! What was it that Voldmort never had? A nose?:D He will never know love. And that makes him vulnerable and weaker than Harry Potter. And please don't cry but remember Severus Snape and his eternal love for Lily Potter. Always. This one word weighs more than all three books of the Shades of Grey trilogy.

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals" - Sirius Black. Now remember Dobby? :( R.I.P. I cried so much when he died! But look at how Harry Potter, an actual man compared to Christian Grey, treated him even though he had (what was that I heard in the trailer?) a "hard start in life" with an abusive family. Did he become a control freak and start raping brunette women cause they looked like his adoptive-mom-slash-aunt? Can't remember that part of the story. And look how Christian Grey treats not only his inferiors but his equals -'cause that's what women are, BTW.

And let's not forget Dumbledore sharing his divine wisdom with us. Among others, that "Happiness can be found in the darkest of all times, if one only remembers to turn on the light".


Now that's a book I'm proud to read. However, I have noticed that many people (not only, but mostly women and tragically, young girls) find it brave to read a book like "50 shades of grey" in public. I'd find that mostly embarrassing. Honestly, if I'd be sitting in the London Underground and the guy across me were reading (more like "looking into") a playboy magazine, I'd be disgusted. Not amazed. Or, proud. 
What are we teaching the kids around us? Because I promise you they watch us. They grow up seeing adults look at their phones all day like robots and think it's normal. They see people worldwide get all heated about literotica, which is basically all that 50 shades of grey is, and think that's fine.

After 24,000 hours on spotify in 2014 I've gotten used to the amount of advertisements. It's come to the point where I can literally have a conversation with the ad. Gross huh? I guess the mission will change that. And in all honesty there is NOTHING in this society that I find more disgusting right now than the shades of grey-fever. This Valentine's Day special is NOT the cinema premiere of 50 shades of grey. I hear it every 5 minutes. On Spotify. On YouTube. Those terrible 15 seconds of advertisement that you can't skip and there's no premium you can buy. Even on the darn radio! And geez, I can't repeat again how that is desensitizing our society to believe that:

Firstly, it's okay to control your partner. This is what Christian teaches us. He is a control freak - he says so in the first chapter! And I know, because for the sole purpose of informing YOU, my dear fellow readers, I sacrificed myself so you didn't have to, and I read the first chapter. The first 9 pages or so. And it was enough to make me puke even thinking about -not even close to fantasizing- a man like Christian.

And secondly, that, given enough time, you can change someone. Ana's message in the story (Look, my sentences kinda even sound like staccato shades of grey by now). There's nothing wrong with this message if you want to help somebody to quit smoking etc. But we're talking about a physically abusive, condescending and controlling relationship here. And Ana puts up with it because she believes that if she and her "inner goddess" (What is that anyway??) give him everything he wants, whenever he wants, she'll be able to change him. 
How many girls are going to end up in a relationship with Bad Boys because they think that by finding their "hidden, true side" they will get. to. him. 

When will the young girls learn that everything that matters in the world is NOT finding a man. Not a perfect, equally possessive 100 year-old man, like Edward and not a cruel, condescending dick like Christian.

And when will the young girls learn that they need to become independent individuals? Be strong and change something for the better? Something like that? Hermione Granger-style?

So challenge: Tomorrow, when 50 Shades of Shit Grey is aired, are you going to watch it? Or are you stepping up to the world and showing society what true men and women are like. And showing the girls and guys out there what they are to become.

'Cause swallow it. Harry, Ron and Hermoine are way more human (including loving, caring, smart, wise, supporting, romantic, brave etc.) than Ana and Christian.


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